Welcome to the 4th Trimester
This trimester starts after your bundle has arrived and consists of the first 3 months of being a new parent and getting into the groove of something that is all instinct and comes with no manuals.
The first 6 weeks of parenthood can feel a bit like a blur filled with a lot of new things, you’re getting used to being a new Mom as well as building a relationship with your new baby or babies. You’re trying to get the hang of your baby’s cues for sleep, hunger and comfort, all while being horribly sleep deprived. But hang tight – once you’ve crossed this milestone its all worth it for an amazingly precious gummy smile at the end of those crazy 6 weeks. You’ll look back and think how did we make it out alive?!?
In these first few weeks all your little person really does is eat and sleep, so hunker down mama and make yourself comfy, cause trust us once they start moving you’ll wish for these more quiet dreamy days.
A Practical To-Do List for New Moms
Create a feeding station – if your breast or bottle feeding you’re going to be in one place while feeding for the most part; as you get the hang of things make it comfy and convenient have things handy like some snacks and water for you, the remote for the T.V, phone and charger, facial tissues, muslin cloth for any baby messes and a feeding pillow.
Feed yourself! This may seem silly to have to tell you this, but in the first few weeks your not going to have much time for cooking, But make sure your getting enough calories as this will help sustain your much needed energy and is even more important if your going to breastfeed, as this will help with your supply. Also no one tells you just how ravenous you get when you are breastfeeding!
Prepare for a roller coaster of emotions!! Those pesky hormones are still up to their tricks and you may go from crying to mama lion at the drop of a dummy.
Sleep – as much and as often as you can!! You are also healing, and you’re sleep is broken as baby’s tummy is tiny and needs to feed about every 2 hours. Don’t feel guilty; leave the dishes, the laundry and the cleaning up. You need this time to bond and rest. Everything else will fall into place.
You’re ALLOWED to Ask for Help
You know the expression “It takes a village to raise a child”? This is probably one of the most important things to take advantage of. One thing people inherently love to do is help, especially for a new Mom.
- Set the expectation – If you know you’re not going to want to see anyone for the 1st couple weeks while you get your parenting chops down or you just want to have that special bonding time, speak up. Otherwise you will have some unwanted visitors that have no idea. Let people know when you are ready for them to come meet your baby. You set the expectation.
- Meals – If your partner burns even water, this is the time your village can also jump in. Make a sign up sheet for the week and your visitors can make meals for you and your family so you can focus more on your baby than on what to eat.
- Take the help – Mom guilt is real (I had it baaaad) but this is the time to let it go. If someone offers to look after your little one so you can shower, sleep, or even get out of the house for your nails or hair, say YES! You will be much better off for doing so. Self-love goes a looooong way, especially in the early weeks of motherhood.
- Delegate – Mama, this is the time!! Building off our last point, if people offer their help, let them know how they can help you. Do you have dishes that need to be washed, laundry that needs some attention, things that you need from the shop or even some love for your fur babies? If you don’t let your village know what needs to be done, they will do what might not need to be and your worse off than you started.
- Be selective – you want to be careful on who is in your village at this time. Minimize the chance for drama in this already stressful time by “weeding” those people that give you more grief than support. The last thing you need is a judgy Judy telling you what she thinks you’re doing wrong.
You’re ALLOWED to Say No
Also remember its ok to say no too. You can say no to your family or friends, for whatever reason. Just always remember they are there to give you support and love and make your new journey as easy as it can be from the beginning.
What happens if you don’t have family and friends readily close by or you’re on your own? There are so many services that are available to help when those close to you cannot.
Last Thoughts
If you have the financial means, we’d highly recommend hiring professional help too. Here are our last top tips:
Hire a cleaning service and gardening service
Cook and freeze meals while you’re still pregnant
Hire a doula or night nurse
Ask your neighbours for help – you will be pleasantly surprised on how much people really will help
Just remember however your village helps, Mama you’ve got this! x