If I use a breast pump, how long can I store my milk for?
It is very important that you use clean sterilized storage containers or bags when storing your freshly pumped breast milk. There are also different rules that apply to different types of storage environments; like room temperature, in the fridge or in the freezer.
You also need to consider if you are working with freshly pumped breast milk, thawed breast milk or breastmilk that is left over from a feed.

- Can be stored for up to 4 hours at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius or colder)
- Can be stored for up to 4 days in a refrigerator (4 degrees Celsius)
- Can be stored for up to 12 months in a refrigerator even though you ideally want to use it within 6 months (-18 degrees Celsius or colder)
- 1-2 hours at room temperature
- Up to 1 day (24hrs) in the fridge
- Never refreeze breastmilk once thawed. If you did not use it within the specified times above, discard the breast milk.
If your baby didn’t finish all the milk from a feed, you can use it for up to 2 hours after the feed after which you need to discard the breast milk.

Breastmilk Storage Hygiene
It is very important to handle and store breast milk in the correct manner to avoid contamination. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before expressing, and if you don’t not have access to warm water and soap, be sure to use a hand sanitizer with a minimum alcohol percentage of 60%.
If you are using an electrical pump or hand pump, make sure to inspect the equipment beforehand to ensure that it has been cleaned properly with no residue and no mold in the tubes. If the tubes are moldy discard it and use a new tube.
Only store breastmilk in storage bags intended for this use, or use clean food grade containers with lids that seal tightly. Avoid bottles with the recycled no 7 symbol as it may contain PBA.
Ensure that you sterilize and store all breastfeeding equipment adequately to prevent contamination of your breast milk.
Breastmilk Storage Tips
- Remember to clearly mark the storage container/bag with the date of which you expressed the breastmilk.
- Do not place the breastmilk in the door of the fridge or freezer as it is more exposed to temperature fluctuations.
- Freeze breast milk in volumes your baby needs instead of large portions that may go to waste if not finished during a feed.
- Don’t fill the bag/container all the way to the top as the breastmilk will expand when it freezes.
- If you don’t think you will use your freshly expressed breastmilk within 4 days, rather freeze it straight away to keep the integrity of the milk as high as possible.
- Breast milk can be served at room temperature and does not need to be heated. In fact you will save yourself a lot of time and frustration if you teach your baby to enjoy their milk at room temperature as you are not always able to warm up milk when you are out and about.
- Sometimes the fat in breast milk separates slightly so give the bottle a gentle swirl before feeding your baby.
Thawing Breast milk:
- First in, first out – your golden rule. Thaw the oldest breast milk first.
- You can either thaw your breast milk in the fridge overnight, alternatively place it in a container of lukewarm water or defrost under lukewarm running water.
- Never thaw breastmilk in a microwave.