We all kind of know already that we shouldn’t be using technology before we go to bed… but do you know the actual reasons why and how? Electronics have become such a huge part of daily life, it’s hard to put them down. Whether you’re scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix before bed, it can have a huge impact on the quality of sleep you’re getting.

How technology impacts sleep
By engaging your mind just before bed with an electronic device, you’re making your brain think it needs to stay up. Seeing something funny on Twitter or checking an email can stimulate your mind and mean it’s harder to relax and get to sleep. It can also literally keep you awake – notifications and vibrations can disrupt you just as you’re on the verge of nodding off! Our best advice would be to keep them out of the bedroom completely – making your bedroom a tech-free zone, which can also help train your brain that the bedroom is for sleep and sex only.
What is blue light exposure?
Blue light exposure is a colour within the visible light spectrum with very short wavelengths that produce a higher amount of energy. Sleep expert Sammy Margo explains, “Blue light exposure has an impact on your sleeping hormone melatonin, supressing it’s release.” Melatonin is the hormone that controls your ‘circadian rhythm’ (sleep/awake cycle). A lack of it can make it harder to fall or stay asleep.
With more than 60% of people looking at a digital device that emits blue light for more than 6 hours a day, this can have a massive effect on when it comes to going to sleep. So it’s really important to switch off from everything at least half an hour before you go to bed, to allow your brain and eyes time to adjust.

With blue light exposure as well as mental over activity and physical under activity, it’s a recipe for disaster!
How technology helps with sleep
There are some ways that technology can aid a better night’s sleep. Most digital devices now feature a blue light filter, so if you really can’t part with your mobile at night, this can really help cut down on the blue light exposure. There’s also plenty of apps that feature soothing sounds pitched at special frequencies, including waves lapping at the shore or even static white noise-type sounds like a hair dryer!
Overall, cutting down on technology before bed will help with pregnancy insomnia, allowing your mind the time it needs to unwind and switch off. Use the time you would have spent bingeing on Netflix to get into a bedtime routine – our Sleep Easy Mama gift set is the perfect companion, featuring lavender-scented products that soothe the senses while nourishing skin.